Sunday, February 7, 2021

Jackson at Scouts

Jackson got a "big hand" for earning 5 beltloops at Pack Meeting. He also led the flag ceremony. Way to go Jackson!


judy said...

What a cute grandson. Cub scouts is so much fun and you learn to be a good person in life. Keep up the good work Jackson. Love grandma

Jeaniel said...

Way to Go Jackson!!! A a Cub Master, I don't think any of our Cub every received 5 belt loops all at once. The more you work on your cub requirement the more you LOVE scouting..... It's a GREAT thing to do....and goes WELL with ALL male SEARL's....They totally understand SCOUTING the best!!! You are living up to your great name!!! I'm very proud of you. Grandma Sauer