Way to Go Jackson!!! A a Cub Master, I don't think any of our Cub every received 5 belt loops all at once. The more you work on your cub requirement the more you LOVE scouting..... It's a GREAT thing to do....and goes WELL with ALL male SEARL's....They totally understand SCOUTING the best!!! You are living up to your great name!!! I'm very proud of you. Grandma Sauer
What a cute grandson. Cub scouts is so much fun and you learn to be a good person in life. Keep up the good work Jackson. Love grandma
Way to Go Jackson!!! A a Cub Master, I don't think any of our Cub every received 5 belt loops all at once. The more you work on your cub requirement the more you LOVE scouting..... It's a GREAT thing to do....and goes WELL with ALL male SEARL's....They totally understand SCOUTING the best!!! You are living up to your great name!!! I'm very proud of you. Grandma Sauer
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