Sunday, February 7, 2021

Brandon's Surgery

Brandon just had surgery for Trigeminal Neuralgia. I thought I would put in a picture for those that haven't seen him since. The recovery is going well and he is hoping to be back to work in a week. The surgery was successful. He had two veins pushing against his trigeminal nerve. They cauterized the veins and everything went smoothly. We couldn't have asked for anything to have gone better , Dr. Sekula is great. I am so glad we went to Pittsburgh and not somewhere else. I am also grateful to Tanya and Monte that took good care of Brandon and I while we were in town. Thank you also to my parents who took a week and a half off to take care of the boys here. I am so grateful to the first ER doc that Brandon saw that correctly diagnosed him. He suffered for 90 days with the worst known medical pain, but it could have been the 4-6 years it takes a typical patient to get a correct diagnosis. Most importantly I have to thank a loving Heavenly Father and merciful Savior for all of the "coincidences" and "lucky breaks" that have happened with this experience. I am so grateful for the Lord's hand in all things.


Stacie said...

I'm so glad the surgery went well! It is amazing how the Lord watches over us. Your family is growing up so fast! I can hardly believe your kids are getting so big. :-)

Anonymous said...

I am glad everything went well for Brandon and your family! I love all the pictures. I see where you get you cake decorating from! Your mother and you are very talented.
Thanks for sharing you family pictures and news. Take care,

Anne said...

What a blessing that everything went well. Having knowledge of the workings of the medical process, it is a miracle everything went relatively quickly!! We're very happy for Brandon and your family.

RIck and Ella-Rene said...

Rick calls my scar my "character marks"

It's true it has added to my character as has your experience added to your character.

I am grateful you survived the experience with such a possible attitude.

with love AUnt TInky