Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Looking for good news?

California voted to preserve marriage between a man and a women!

People believe in the institution of marriage," Frank Schubert, co-manager of the Yes on 8 campaign said after declaring victory early Wednesday. "It's one institution that crosses ethnic divides, that crosses partisan divides. ... People have stood up because they care about marriage and they care a great deal."


Janna said...

I was quite frankly surprised this passed, but so pleased to hear that it did - even in a state like California.

Anne said...

This is very good news and passed in other states as well!! YaY!! We need some good news after the election. We're disappointed about Obama winning, also.
In Oregon, we heard lots about the fight for proposition 8 and it was a fight. The members of the church there spent much time and money and worked with many other churches to have this pass. Love your blog!