Tuesday, February 10, 2009

High Maintenance

I decided today that I must be a high maintenance child for God to keep happy. I always feel a little guilty praying and begging for him to fix things that I could fix on my own, but it doesn't hurt to ask right? I know he isn't going to make all the stars align every day, but I do know that every day he will answer some small prayer so that I know he is listening and cares.

Today my small miracle started with me driving past the drivers licence building this morning. I groaned and whined as I saw the line clear out the door and groups of people leaning on their cars just waiting. I drove on, not wanting to wait and then still be denied my licence. I have been putting this off forever. I called home for my dad to bring out by birth certificate and figured I would wait till he gets in town and then spend a day at the DMV. When I am frustrated I exercise (I need to be frustrated more often so I could be in shape!) anyways it is a beautiful day so I walked outside until I was sweating it was so hot. I came in and changed into some shorts, and out of the back pocket I pulled my drivers licence and a ticket stub dated November 1st to an OSU game. That was the last time I wore shorts, and the last time I saw my licence.

Woo Hoo!!! I was saved from the DMV, and my spirits are brightened from my small prayer being answered!


Tanya Searle said...

Oh I am so happy for you! Getting a new drivers license is no fun!

Anonymous said...

That is incredible! Did you not know you were driving around since then without it. HeHe!! I'm glad you found it.

Jennie's bunch said...

Congratulations on finding your driver's licence! Great story!!

Anonymous said...

Way lucky!!!