Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kindergarten Orientation

I took this cutie to Orientation today.  He is ready for Kindergarten now!  Me... not so much.  Why would I want to send him away (all day kindergarten here) when I could keep him home and play?  I don't think the marble game will come out while he is gone.  What will it be like next year?  Should I work? Take piano or guitar lessons?  Subsitute at the elementary or middle school?  Do Geneology? Landscape/work on the house?  Take college classes to get a teaching certificate?  Golf a lot?  Read a lot?  Any suggestions?


Tanya Searle said...

I think you will be surprised how your day still fills up with things to do. I run errands while the kids are at school as much as possible so I can spend time with them when they get home. I also do baking to freeze for their lunches. That way they don't eat everything as it comes out of the oven. I do get to read, try new hobbies and just keep the house clean. I suggest you just feel it out for a few weeks and see what presents itself and how much time you really want to devote to something that is a regularly scheduled thing. It's nice to be able to say yes to impromptu things such as lunch with your hubby or a friend. I do have a regularly scheduled thing on Fridays for a few hours and a presidency meeting once a week too. I also spent some time refinishing a table and chairs set. I'm hoping to get some yard work done as well. Taking music lessons would be fun and fulfilling. I have substituted in the schools a lot over the last few years as well. You might enjoy that too. It's just nice to have options :)

Janna said...

So glad that you are blogging again!! HOW ARE YOU GUYS??

I think you'll be busier than you think. I think a job would be hard. As a mom I find that I need a flexible schedule so that I cna take care of my kids and take them to and from school. Hobbies would be great, right?

I love that you would rather keep your kids home than send them off to school. :)

Matt Payne said...

The best part will be that you'll be able to do those things if you want.
That marble game reminds me of Grandma & Grandpa Buttars house. So fun! Where did you get it?

Kimberly said...

Jill, the marble game is from Target, about 10 years ago. It has a million broken pieces but the kids still love it. If you can find a Discovery toys person I think they still make it.

Jennie's bunch said...

Holy cow!! Kindergarten already??? When you get ideas about how to spend your time...will you send them my way??? Thanks!! :)