Wednesday, April 21, 2010

My View

This is my view out the back window.  I went in to grab some shoes and couldn't resist taking a picture.  I love my boys, and stood there enjoying the view of them playing together for a minute before I went out to join in the fun.  Jake and Joshua start baseball next month and Jackson and Jeremy are playing soccer, so this month we are enjoying an empty schedule and some nice down time.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Kindergarten Orientation

I took this cutie to Orientation today.  He is ready for Kindergarten now!  Me... not so much.  Why would I want to send him away (all day kindergarten here) when I could keep him home and play?  I don't think the marble game will come out while he is gone.  What will it be like next year?  Should I work? Take piano or guitar lessons?  Subsitute at the elementary or middle school?  Do Geneology? Landscape/work on the house?  Take college classes to get a teaching certificate?  Golf a lot?  Read a lot?  Any suggestions?