Sunday, January 11, 2009

Who needs toys?

Christmas morning Jeremy and Joshua played in the boxes. They even slept in them that night

The boys spent the afternoon playing on a tree that had fallen down. They were breaking off branches to make a hut, and jumping on the branches.
It was a warm day, but I have no idea why Jackson was in shorts. It wasn't that warm!


Mindi said...

I love the sleeping in boxes!!! Now I know what to get my kids next year.

Jen said...

I love the box blanket. Very resourceful... is that boy a boy scout? ;o)

Jennie's bunch said...

I'm not sure why we spend so much on toys! I may just give boxes and "outside time" to the kids this year for presents!!;)

Zach would wear shorts year round if I'd let him!! What's up with that????:)

smithsmiles said...

What more could a kid ask for?! Toys are way over rated.

Janna said...

so true... who needs toys. all they really need is a box, some dirt, and a few trees and they're set!